Saturday, January 19, 2008


didnt sleep well as usual last night
kept thinking abt getting an internship in berlin
for some reason i am strangely attracted to that place

早上又睡過頭來不及去11點的uppsala tour
遇到了另一個flatmate 她是從denmark來的 過兩天就要去scotland

中午的時候去intn student orientation centre sign up
好不容易在housing office找到internet connection!!! (biggest reward for the week)
後來又去sign我的housing contract
stuck with her for the rest of the day
i guess you tend to grab on to someone in unfamiliar places

practical tour! 還滿有用的
遇到了好幾個香港來的exchange students
一看到我就主動問我"uh.. ah.. are you a chinese exchange student?"
他們學校是用英語教學 所以用英文溝通還沒問題

後來去pub crawl for int'n students
visited 5 pubs
had 4 beers, 1 cooler, 1 shot
spent abt 270kr, incl 4kr for coat check and also admission

left at around 1230
waited a long time for the bus with Ann before realizing we missed the last one
walked all the way back
still not feeling any better about the distance

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